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  1. mezashi 1d 13h ago

    Quote by moritz Hello mezashi!
    Kenshin is my second male figure. He will have to deal with Jin.

    Wow, he is so cool!(♥o♥) Jin vs Kenshin? sound interesting.
    Where did you buy the school bags for elementary school students? Do you care for your bonsai? i feel nostalgic about the pig incense burners. Hahaha...Sorry for my poor English!

  2. mezashi 2wk 4d ago

    Hi (^^)/

    Isami has just arrived! →

    He is smaller and skinnier than i expected.(^^;)

  3. mezashi 3wk 0d ago

    Quote by moritz

    Quote by mezashi

    Quote by moritz Konnichiwa mezashi!
    This is my latest... and only male figurine...lol

    Oh, you like Samurai Champloo? (^^)
    >>>only male figurine
    He must be happy. Hahaha

    i like when clashing personalities meet. As well as the soundtrack.
    Has your figure arrived?

    Isami hasn't arrived yet.(ToT)
    i canceled my pre-order from Amazon and ordered it from Good Smile Company.
    i really want to see him soon!

  4. mezashi 3wk 0d ago

    Quote by moritz Konnichiwa mezashi!
    This is my latest... and only male figurine...lol

    Oh, you like Samurai Champloo? (^^)
    >>>only male figurine
    He must be happy. Hahaha

  5. mezashi 5wk 3d ago

    Happy New Year! ε≡≡ヘ(^^)ノ

    Hahaha, don't worry about it!

    By the way, my Isami figure hasn't arrived yet.(ToT)
    i hope he will come in January.

  6. Steffi1690 Moderator 6wk 4d ago

    Quote by moritz Merry Christmas steffi!


    Oh wow sexy Christmas Elf ^^
    Merry Christmas to you too!
    Hope you get lots of presents ^^°

  7. mezashi 6wk 4d ago

    i don't know how to paste an image.( ;∀;)

    ☃︎ ᴍᴇʀʀʏ ᴄʜʀɪsᴛᴍᴀs ☃︎

    Happy Holidays! ε≡≡ヘ(^.^)ノ

  8. moritz Elite Member 7wk 0d ago

    Quote by moritz

    Quote by mezashi Merry Christmas, have a good holiday !

    >>i went to the Comiket once, in August 2017 and i would like to go there again.

    Summer Comiket!? Σ( ̄□ ̄|||) Please be careful of heatstroke!

    I've been to Comiket a few times. My sister often attends Comiket as a seller. Her doujinshi doesn't sell very well, but thanks to her i didn't have to wait in long lines.

    Does your wife also collect figurines? i will receive him soon.→Isami Ao

    Merry Christmas to you too!
    Japanese summer is very hot and i experienced it by cycling on the Shimanami Kaido in August 2017 and around Biwako in August 2018. With Mt. Fuji, our most extreme adventures in Japan. Thanks to the many vending machines along the route and the onsen at the ryokan!
    At the Comiket 92, the longest queue was for Tony Taka"s booth, and it was outside. We only waited 45 minutes, whereas sometimes you have to wait 3 hours in France to get an autograph... And it is much more disciplined in Japan than in France! We also lined up for the cosplayers...
    My wife is not a collector, just an amateur of anime and traditional japanese clothes. She doesn't like too much my hentai figures...
    It's great to have an artist in your family and i admire the Japanese perseverance to share their art.
    You seem to like Brave Bang Bravern! and the hero is not bad without his uniform...lol

  9. mezashi 7wk 0d ago

    Merry Christmas, have a good holiday !

    >>i went to the Comiket once, in August 2017 and i would like to go there again.

    Summer Comiket!? Σ( ̄□ ̄|||) Please be careful of heatstroke!

    I've been to Comiket a few times. My sister often attends Comiket as a seller. Her doujinshi doesn't sell very well, but thanks to her i didn't have to wait in long lines.

    Does your wife also collect figurines? i will receive him soon.→Isami Ao

  10. mezashi 8wk 3d ago

    Do you buy figures every time you travel to Japan?

    Your collection room must be quite large! (@o@;)

  11. mezashi 8wk 6d ago

    What a great collection you have! (*o*)

    i used to wear a kimono for New Year's. i still have several kimono but they are hard to wear these days. (;'∀')

    My little collection↓
    Yuuki Bakuhatsu Bang Bravern
    various characters

    i would like to go to the Shotaro Ishinomori Museum. My first love is Cyborg 009.(*^_^*)

  12. Steffi1690 Moderator 13wk 3d ago

    Quote by moritz http://imagizer.imageshack.com/v2/150x100q70/923/DxlAMq.jpg
    Hello Steffi!
    Urlaub in Österreich

    Sorry for the really late replys, but i had problems with mt which i guess every user had. Thank god its fixed.
    Cool. i never was in Tirol, i only drove through it to France for skiing *lol*
    But there is a very big and awsome Wellness Hotel there - i hope i will visit it one day ^^

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